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Д.А. Цезарь


Гуманитарный вестник

# 9·2016

Cyber diplomacy: new challenges of international maritime

piracy and methods of information warfare

© D.A. Tsesar

Diplomatic Academy of Russian Foreign Ministry, Moscow, 119021, Russia

The article analyzes the new evolutionary form of international public relations – infor-

mation or cyber diplomacy. The challenges the international community is faced are

examined in the framework of international relations and the phenomenon of the cyber-

diplomacy is considered as the basis for strategy of the government machine in the

regulation of social relations in the field of the "public" diplomacy. Along with the in-

troduction of cyber diplomacy into foundations of state administration using mass me-

dia for by international terrorist and pirate associations for their own purposes is

shown. These factors escalate the threats facing the international community, trans-

forming them into global problems of modern age. It is noted that it is necessary to

strengthen legislation and to ensure the state control over strategic data information



piracy environment, international terrorism, cyber diplomacy, informational

diplomacy, international maritime piracy, information security, state control, informa-

tional terrorism.



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