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И.П. Стрелков


Гуманитарный вестник

# 3·2016


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White eagle


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London, Pimlico Publ., 1972, 320 p.


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Pobedonosnoe porazhenie

[Victorious defeat]. St. Petersburg,

Tertciya Publ., 1994, 206 p.


Yazhborovskaya I.S.

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[Russia and Poland. War Syndrome: 1920: 1914 – 1918 – 1920 –

1987 – 2004]. Moscow, Academia Publ., 2005, 403 p.


Mannergeim K.G.


[Memoirs], Moscow, Astrel Publ., 2011, 571 p.


Denikin A.I.

Ocherki russkoi smuty

[Essays on Russian turmoil]. Book 3, vol. 5.

Moscow, AST-Press Publ., 2005, 832 p.


Zubachevskii V.A.

Geopoliticheskaya situatciya na vostoke Tsentralnoi Evropy

na kanune i v period raboty Parizhskoi mirnoi konferentsii. Vostochnaya Evropa

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[The geopolitical situation in the east of Central Europe before

and during the operation of the Paris Peace Conference. Eastern Europe after

the "Versailles"]. Moscow, Aleteiya Publ., 2007, 244 p.



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[White case in Russia. 1919].

Moscow, Posev Publ., 2009, 635 p.


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Slavic-Polish borderland 1918–1921]. Moscow, Slavic and Balkan Studies

Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 1995, 195 p.


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Quelques considérations sur la question de la Grande Pologne et des Côtes dela


[Some considerations on the issue of the Great Poland and the Baltic

Coast]. Paris, Fournier Publ., 1919, 10 p.


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[Karel Kramář and

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Gosudarstvennii arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii( GARF)

State Archive of the

Russian Federation

, F. R-5805, opis 1, d. 302.


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State Archive of the

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Miller A.I.

Imperiya Romanovykh i natsionalizm

[Romanov Empire and

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Petersburg, Tipografiya imperatorskogo uchilischa glukhonemykh Publ., 1913,

23 p.


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international Publ., 1939, 495 p.