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В.И. Быканова


Anglo-Saxon concept “wood” as an element

of national mentality


V.I. Bykanova

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, 195251, Russia

The research is done within the framework of cognitive linguistics and is aimed at the

reconstruction of national mentality. We offer to use place-names for cognitive studies,

thus broadening their scope. Hence, we emphasize the importance of recreating Anglo-

Saxon concept “wood”. For reconstructing the concept we employed an original method,

based on the system of substantial, anthropological, economic, protective, locative, ori-

entation, affective and habitation descriptors. This approach permits to focus on the spe-

cific ethnic characteristics of Anglo-Saxon concept “wood/forest”. We conclude that this

element plays an important part in the ethnic mentality.


descriptor, cognitive linguistics, concept, ethnic mentality, place-name stud-

ies, ethnicity.



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Bykanova V.I.

(b. 1962), Cand. Sci. (Philology), the Head of the Department “English

for Physics and Mathematics”, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Research

interests include cognitive linguistics. e-mail: