С.А. Курбатова
Structure of a manual for the development of speech at an
advanced level for foreign students of technical specialties
© S.A. Kurbatova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article discusses the structure of a manual for the development of speech for foreign
students of technical specialties at an advanced level. The attention is paid to teaching
speaking as a productive kind of speech activity, as well as the development of skills of
dialogue and monologue speech. Working through each conversation threads consists of
three stages and is based on the principle "from engaging in dialogue to build your own
monologue utterance." The selection of material and its structuring is based on an under-
standing of the features of conversational speech. The proposed structure of manual for
the speech development can be used both in print and as electronic manuals.
development of speech, dialogue speech, monologue speech.
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Kurbatova S.A.,
Ph. D. in Philology, associate professor of the Department of the Rus-
sian language at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of more than
20 papers in the field of linguistics and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign lan-
guage. e-mail: