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Предметно-языковая интеграция при обучении профессионально ориентированному…


Content and language integration in teaching ESP

in technical universities

© O.L. Vavelyuk

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia

The article considers the way of teaching English for specific purposes through adapta-

tion and implementation of a CLIL model into the classroom. The method implies that

language teaching runs parallel to content teaching. The course where the English

course complements stage-by-stage the main higher-education curriculum has been de-

veloped. The results of this method implementation at St. Petersburg State Polytechnic

University are discussed. The important advantage of the method is the growth of interest

and increasing the motivation of students, which in turn, leads to a significant increase in

the efficiency of learning a foreign language. The main objective of the course is to pre-

pare the students for further studies including study in English, as well as internationali-

zation, specifically EU integration, and thus enhancing the university profile.


: subject, language integration (CLIL), motivation, English for specific pur-



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Anglo-russkiy terminologicheskiy spravochnik

po metodike prepodavaniya inostranyh yazykov

[English-Russian Terminology

Guide on Teaching Foreign Languages]. St. Petersburg, Russko-Baltiiskiy in-

formatsionnyy tsentr “Blits” Publ., Cambridge University Press, 2001, 224 p.

[2] Marsh D.

Content and Language Integrated Learning: The European Dimen-

sion — Actions, Trends and Foresight Potential

. Jyvaskyla: University of

Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2002.

[3] Coyle D., Hood P., & Marsh D.

Content and language integrated learning


Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Vavelyuk O.L.

, candidate of sciences (Phys. & Math.), associate professor at the De-

partment of the English Language for students of Physics and Mathematics at Saint-

Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Research interests: techniques of teaching

professionally oriented foreign language in the field of research.
