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Т.И. Кузнецова, Е.Н. Лобачева, М.А. Кузнецов, С.В. Клементьева


Project financing with state support

© T.I. Kuznetsova, E.N. Lobachova, M.A. Kuzneczov, S.V. Klementieva

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article deals with issues and challenges of project financing, it looks into its essence

and describes its peculiar features, and it reviews different kinds of project financing.

The authors have proved that state support of project financing during the crisis is

essential. The readers will investigate the origin of project financing, its modern

development trends, and its advantages over other methods of funding projects to ensure

their faultless implementation. You will also find coverage of application methods.

Having investigated the obstacles hindering the development and implementation of

project financing in the Russian economy and prospects for its the advance we come up

with ideas on using project financing for realising import substitution plans in Russia.


project financing, sponsors, creditors, innovative business, state support.



Vesti. E’konomika. Proektnoye Finansirovanie v Pomoshh Importozameshheni-

yu — News. Economics. Project Financing to Support Inport Substitution.

Available at:

(accessed 1.01.2015)



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[Project Financ-

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2012, 413 p.


Nevit P.K.

Proiect Financing.

4th ed. London, 2010, 560 с.


Kuznetsova T.I.

E’konomika i Upravlenie: Problemy, Resheniya — Economics

and Management: Problems and Solutions

, 2013, no. 12, pp. 96–100.


Afanasyevа E.V.

Vestnik RUK — Russian University of Cooperation Bulletin


2014, no. 3, pp. 27–29.

Kuznetsova T.I.

(b. 1957) graduated from the Moscow Finance Institute in 1979. Ph.D.

(Econ), associate professor of the Economic Theory Department at Bauman Moscow

State Technical University. Author of more than 100 scientific and educational works in

the field of theoretical economics, finance and credit. e-mail:

Lobachova E.N.

, Dr. Sci. (Econ), professor, head of the Economic Theory Department at

Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author and chief supervisor of more than

10 course books in economics for students of engineering faculties, bachelors and spe-

cialists. Scientific research and interests include innovations and application of scientific

and technological achievements in Russian economy. The author of about 55 publica-

tions. The supervisor of scientific research of the department in the field of IT technolo-


Kuzneczov M.A.

graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 2006,

PhD (Econ.), associate professor of the Economic Theory Department at Bauman Mos-

cow State Technical University. Specialist in Management of Organizations. Scientific