Активизации фактора языковой среды как основы формирования коммуникативной компетенции иностранных стажеров - page 6

Е.А. Орлов
Activation of verbal environment essential for developing
communicative competence of foreign trainees
© E.A. Orlov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The author has examined some most pressing problems of teaching Russian as a foreign
language. These problems arise when foreign trainees deal with active verbal environ-
ment, essential for development of their communicative competence. The research looks
at expansion of “communication space” of a person, communicating in a foreign lan-
guage while being a trainee on probation, developing his or her language skills. The
trainees expand their “communication space” communicating with the Russian native
speakers. The article provides a closer look at this expansion in terms of using infor-
mation potential of the internet. The author has described in general communication pro-
cess when teaching Russian as a foreign language utilising online resources.
verbal environment
development of communication competence, information
potential of the internet, online resources.
Orlov E.A.
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Orlov E.A.
(b. 1958) graduated from Historical-philological Faculty of the Peoples'
Friendship University of Russia in 1985. Senior Lecturer of the Russian Language De-
partment at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of over 15 works in the
field of information and computer technologies and methods of teaching Russian as a
foreign language. е-mail:
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