Протестный потенциал социальных сетей: возможности и риски - page 9

Протестный потенциал социальных сетей:возможности и риски
State Technical University, Series “Engineering”
, special issue “Technical
means and information security systems”, 2011, pp. 3–6.
Markov A.S., Fadin A.A. Sistematika uyazvimostei i defektov bezopasnosti
programmnykh resursov [Systematics of vulnerabilities and security defects of
program resources].
Zashchita informatsii. Insaid
Information Security. In-
, 2013, no. 3, pp. 56–61.
Spisok ekstremistskikh organizatsii, publikuemyi Ministerstvom yustitsii Rossii
[List of extremist organizations, published by the Ministry of Justice]. Availa-
ble at:
Bagdasaryan N.G.,
Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Ph.D., Professor of the Sociology and Cul-
turology Department at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Academician of
RAS, honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation. Research interests
include: philosophy and sociology of education, global processes, technology and engi-
neering activities; cultural studies as a scientific and academic discipline: determining the
subject field, structure and logic; history, philosophy and methodology of science; lan-
guages of intercultural communication. e-mail:
Titov R.V.
(b. 1995), a 3rd year student of the Information Security Department at
Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests include: virtual reality,
the Internet, social networks, political movements, information technology, information
security. e-mail:
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