Cоциальное партнерство и модернизация России
Social partnership and modernization of Russia
© S.A. Soboleva
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article is devoted to the problems and difficulties of social partnership in Russia
under late industrial modernization. Modernization, as well as postmodernization of the
Russian society is impossible without social, economic, political, legal, social stabiliza-
tion. One of the means of such stabilization, which is a civilized form of public relations
in social and labor issues, has been called social partnership. Social partnership is the
path to an effective state based on social cohesion, increase of public support for the
goals and actions of the authorities. The idea of social partnership is clear and important
for various strata of society. It is caused by the necessity to connect the power to the peo-
ple, to create a just constructive society, to unite the spiritual and material. The author
also explores the social partnership mechanism that consolidates the state, businesses
and people around the main goals.
: social partnership, modernization, post-industrialization, social and labor
relations, social consolidation, socio-political structure, socio-political organizations.
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