
Patrotic education of young people in the Penza Branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in the context of problems of the Russian society self-determination

Authors: Voeikov E.V. Published: 21.03.2023
Published in issue: #2(100)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-2-832  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: historical evenings, students, photo albums, search teams, volunteers

The paper examines problems of evaluating historical path traversed by Russia, Russian society and, in particular, Russian youth, as well as problems of the information war waged against Russia and its results in the modern Russian society. It analyzes the level of students’ knowledge about outstanding events in the history of Russia. Activities carried out in the Penza Branch of the Financial University are considered. Possible options in working with university and high school students in patriotic education are demonstrated on the example of heroic pages in the history of Russia. History of the new forms and methods development in organizing patriotic events is provided, and results of their impact on the young people are presented. In 2014–2022, the Penza Branch formed a set of events for patriotic education of youth. It included historical evenings and placement of photo albums about them in the student group, historical interviews, meetings with search teams, volunteering in the Immortal Regiment and scientific work on the history of the Penza Region in the 1930–1960 for the university students, as well as history hours for the school students. The most innovative and effective form of patriotic education are the historical evenings, but they require the most labor in preparation and conduct. In conditions of aggravated confrontation with the West and beginning of hostilities in the Ukraine, Russian society needs to reconsider its attitude towards the liberal Western values and to the Soviet period of history. The most effective work on patriotic education under modern conditions is possible only with the full support of the state.

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