
Posthuman concept in the modern philosophical discourse

Authors: Cheremnykh L.G., Gubanov N.N. Published: 28.02.2023
Published in issue: #1(99)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-1-820  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: transhumanism, transhuman, posthuman, neohuman, neohumanism, human nature transformation, social cataclysms

New science-intensive technologies using artificial intelligence expand capabilities of the human body and its consciousness. This fact causes an ambiguous reaction of the philosophical community and divides it into two opposing camps: some are sure that human nature should be changed while preserving its essence, the latter insist on the need to change the human essence. Arguments presented by both sides regarding limits of the human nature transformation were analyzed. Various options of the socio-cultural consequences of such a transformation were considered. It is demonstrated that before introducing new technologies, scientific community should thoroughly investigate all the risks and provide the objective forecasts.

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