
Specifics of integration and differentiation processes in ecology

Authors: Bushuev N.N., Bushueva V.V., Chernogortseva G.V., Ivanova A.S. Published: 03.07.2017
Published in issue: #8(58)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-8-458  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: integration, differentiation, dialectical unity of integration and differentiation, ecology, applied branches of ecology, interaction between sciences, foreign methods of solving ecological problems

We validate the relevance of analysing integration and differentiation processes in ecology. We highlight the dialectical unity of integration and differentiation. We note that the integration and differentiation processes affect all the levels of scientific theory and practice, methodological approaches, conceptual framework, facilities etc. In foreign practice, the significance of the integration and differentiation effects contributes to the development of methodological approaches aimed at solving ecological problems. We consider two foreign techniques that feature contrasting approaches. One of them makes use of an integrative methodology, while the other employs differentiation principles. We analyse two alternative foreign techniques. We recommend using foreign experience for solving ecological problems in Russian practice.

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