
Causes and factors influencing deformation and violation of the patriotic consciousness in a civil society

Authors: Tumin A.Yu. Published: 07.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(106)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-2-900  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: patriotism, pseudo-patriotism, society, social values, civil self-consciousness, patriotism development factors, discrediting patriotism, ideology, destructive ideology

Patriotism is an important factor in the social integration, and it helps in mobilizing strength and capabilities of the society members to overcome the external and internal threats. This determines interest of the political authorities in increasing the patriotism level in a society. However, there are factors and processes influencing the decline in the patriotism level in a society and the deformation of patriotism as a form of social outlook. They include such phenomena as the low level of patriotism and emergence of ideological movements defined as the pseudo-patriotism. As a result, trends to dissociate members of society appear, and their susceptibility to destructive information influences increases. The paper analyzes main factors of the civil consciousness violation. It considers the mechanisms in formation of patriotism in the civil society, which is followed by highlighting the reasons why these social mechanisms are not effective enough. As part of considering the patriotism ideological nature, main sources of the social worldview formation are examined. In this regard, the role of direct and indirect social cognition in the civil attitudes establishment is determined. Two sets of factors are identified that influence the patriotism representation level in a society and its predominant forms. The first set of factors is associated with the state of the main social institutions, which determine characteristics of the subject’s personal experience of inclusion in the socio-political environment of the local society. The second set of factors is related to the culture content and the nature of its reflection of the civil identity main aspects. Within the frames of the study, a conclusion is drawn that main prerequisites for violating the civil self-awareness of the society members include violation of the basic public institutions functionality and destructive processes in culture associated with representation in the information media of values, judgments and ideological attitudes that contradict the patriotic position. At the same time, deformation in the patriotic consciousness and adherence of the society members to pseudo-patriotic ideology entails discrediting patriotism as a social position.


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