
Philosophy of Dialogue by M. Bakhtin as a methodology in the argumentative discourse

Authors: Kryuchkova S.E., Chernysheva A.V. Published: 07.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(106)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-2-897  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: communication, dialogue, argumentation, the Other, Philosophy of Dialogue, argumentation cognitive model

The paper identifies methodological and heuristic potential of the M. Bakhtin’s Philosophy of Dialogue being relevant in considering the meaning transmission problem according to the argumentative discourse. It shows significance of the Bakhtin’s concept of the Other, which could be used as an ontological basis in creation of the augmentation cognitive models centering at the argumentative influence target and based on taking into account characteristics of the “addressee mental field” as the main factor in selecting the arguments. Research methodology is based on the following dialogism principles. They include as a method in studying the Other in argumentation: phenomenological approach by E. Husserl to understanding the subject as a necessary side within the persuasion process; non-rhetorical project by H. Perelman, who regards argumentative discourse as a way to achieving an agreement; as well as the Communicative Act theory by J. Habermas interpreting communication as a cooperative type in the dialogue interaction.


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