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О.Ю. Отрокова


Гуманитарный вестник

# 9·2017


Sergeev V.V. Patsifistskie manevry amerikanskoy diplomatii na rubezhe 1916–

1917 gg. [Pacifist maneuvers of American diplomacy at the turn of 1916–1917]. In:

Issledovaniya po novoy i noveyshey istorii.

Sbornik statey

[Studies on modern and

current history. Collection of papers]. Leningrad, LGU Publ., 1972, pp. 44–52.


Sergeev V.V. Anglo-amerikanskie otnosheniya perioda Pervoy mirovoy voyny v

istoricheskoy literature SShA [Anglo-American relations during the First World

War in the historical literature of the United States]. In:


otechestvennoy i vseobshchey istorii.

Sbornik statey

[Problems of national and

world history. Collection of papers]. Leningrad, LGU Publ., 1973, issue 2,

pp. 164–169.


Shatsillo V.K.

Novaya i noveyshaya istoriya — Modern and Current History


1993, no. 6, pp. 69–87.


Romanov V.V.

Vneshnepoliticheskaya doktrina vilsonizma i politiko-

akademicheskie krugi SShA: 1913–1921 gg.

Avtoreferat diss. cand. ist. nauk

[The Wilsonism foreign policy doctrine and US political and academic circles:

1913–1921. Cand. hist. sc. diss., abstract]. Moscow, Institut vseobshchey istorii

RAN Publ., 2005, 49 p.


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Mishina E.A.

SShA: ekonomika, politika, ideologiya — USA: Economics,

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1990, no. 5, pp. 104–110.


Zemtsov B.N.

Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta.

Ser. Istoriya i politicheskie nauki — History and Political Sciences. Bulletin of

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Viscount Grey of Fallodon (E. Grey).

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Manukhin A.A.

Novaya i noveyshaya istoriya — Modern and Current History


2015, no. 4, pp. 20–30.


Romanov V.V. Nachalnyy etap formirovaniya vneshnepoliticheskoy programmy

administratsii Vudro Vilsona [The initial stage of the formation of the program

of Woodrow Wilson administration foreign policy]. In:

Mezhvuzovskiy sbornik

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Elizarov I.Yu.

Ideologicheskiy faktor vo vneshney politike V. Vilsona (1913–

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Avtoreferat diss. cand. ist. nauk [The ideological factor in Wilson's

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Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut im. A.I. Gercena Publ.,

1990, 21 p.

Otrokova O.Yu.

, Cand. Sc. (Hist.), Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Tech-

nical University. Research interests: international relations during World War I, problems

of modern statehood of Russia, duumvirates and triumvirates in the history.
