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Англо-американские отношения в 1916–1917 гг.: борьба по вопросам будущего мира…

Гуманитарный вестник

# 9·2017 11

Anglo-American relations in 1916-1917:

The struggle for the future peace.

Woodrow Wilson’s peace offensive

© O.Yu. Otrokova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article analyzes the guidelines of struggle for the future of peace between the United

States and Britain during the First World War on the basis of diplomatic correspond-

ence. The basic proposals of USA President Woodrow Wilson to the belligerent powers

are exposed in the historiographical vein. The background and motives of the strategy of

the USA “peaceful offensive” in 1916–1917 are shown.


First World War, President W. Wilson, E. M. House, E. Gray, USA, England,

Anglo-American relation



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