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Искусственные нейронные сети Т. Кохонена на службе коммерческого банка

Гуманитарный вестник

# 2

2016 9

Kohonen artificial neural networks in the service

of a commercial bank

© T.I. Kuznetsova, E.N. Lobacheva,


. Tselsov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russi


The article considers the substantiation of the alternative application of an artificial neu-

ral network as a statistical model to determine the solvency of commercial bank custom-

ers. Using the extended Kohonen neural network it is shown how a neural network

trained on statistics of previous credit transactions solves the problem of classification of

borrowers on the basis of their ability to pay.

Ключевые слова:

Kohonen neural network, clustering input vectors, competing method

of data processing, neural network structure, credit rating.



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Kuznetsova T.I.

graduated from Moscow Finance Institute. Cand. Sci. (Economy),

Associate Professor, Department of Economic theory, Bauman Moscow State Tech-

nical University. Author of over 100 research and educational publications in the field

of theoretical economics, finance and credit. e-mail:

Lobacheva E.N.,

Dr. Sci. (Economy), Professor, Head of the Department of Economic

theory, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author and supervisor of over 10

publications of economic textbooks for students of engineering faculties, bachelors and

specialists, the supervisor of research in the subject area of IT-technologies, innovation

and education. The area of research interests:

innovation and application of scientific

and technological achievements in the Russian economy. e-mail:




student, Faculty of Rocket and Space Technology, Bauman Moscow

State Technical University.