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Изучение глагольных фразеологизмов на занятиях по русскому языку…


Studying verb phraseological units at the lessons

of Russian as a foreign language

© K.D. Zatsepina

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

This article is devoted to the methods of teaching verb phraseological units at the lessons

of Russian as a Foreign Language. Synonymous idioms in different languages are com-

pared, the importance of studying sustainable expressions for the developing cultural

linguistic and communicative skills of foreign students is emphasized. A special system of

exercises for better learning of the subject is offered.


Russian as a foreign language, phraseology, cultural linguistics.



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Zatsepina K.D.,

candidate of philological sciences, associate professor at the Department

of the Russian language at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The author of

more than 20 scientific papers in the field of study of literature, cultural linguistics and

methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. e-mail: