Laboratory of the fibrous substances mechanical technology: architect is known
Authors: Korshunov S.V. | Published: 13.08.2024 |
Published in issue: #4(108)/2024 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-4-919 | |
Category: Noname | |
Keywords: Imperial Technical School, weaving and textile direction, equipment, department, laboratory, architecture, lecture method, laboratory method, merchants’ charity |
In the history of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, there was a mystery related to the authorship of the building of the Laboratory of the Fibrous Substances Mechanical Technology. The answer to this question could be found in the book “Laboratory of the Fibrous Substances Mechanical Technology” by Director of the Imperial Moscow Technical School (IMTS) Semen Andreevich Fedorov. The building architect was the Associate Professor Vasily Gerasimovich Zalessky. The paper provides a detailed description of developing scientific and educational approaches related to technologies and equipment in the weaving and textile production, its formation and development at the IMTS, as well as the department transformation into an institute with unique equipment and educational process of training the highly qualified specialists in design of the weaving and textile equipment. It notes the role of Maria Fedorovna Morozova, who provided financing for construction of the laboratory building and its equipment.
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