
On the concept of “philosophical expertise”

Authors: Scheglov I.A. Published: 23.08.2023
Published in issue: #4(102)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-4-858  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: philosophical expertise, humanitarian expertise, expert, competence, expertise, special knowledge

The paper raises the problem of understanding the concept of philosophical expertise, and its connection to humanitarian expertise is being demonstrated. Specifics in understanding the figure of an expert in studying humanitarian expertise is highlighted. The author’s explanations are provided to the terms “competence”, “expertise” and “special knowledge”, as well as to administrative and procedural meanings of the concept of an “expert”. A circle of problems connected to understanding humanitarian and philosophical expertise is outlined. A conclusion is made about uncertainty in interpretation of the philosophical and humanitarian expertise ides in the scientific literature and about the need of practical testing the existing provisions in this area. The author presents his view on possible implementation of the dialogue principle inherent in the humanitarian expertise, including education.

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