
Functional theory of knowledge: processes of self-assembly and self-organization of knowledge

Authors: Oseledchik M.B. Published: 07.11.2022
Published in issue: #5(97)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-5-808  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: knowledge, functional theory of knowledge, nonlinear dynamic system, self-organization, hypergraphs, hyperedges, self-assembling system, assemblers, duplicators, attractors, fractals, concepts, concept core, concept periphery

The functional theory of knowledge considers knowledge as the dynamic state of a living, healthy and cognitively functioning individual. This approach makes evident the continual-discrete nature of knowledge: cognitive processes occurring in the mind of an individual are continuous and relying on conditionally discrete mental concepts, i.e. complex structured formations having the linguistic cognitive and socio-cultural nature at the same time. With this approach, the knowledge of an individual taken at a particular point in time is an ideal, constantly changing topological structure of interconnected and interacting hypergraphs, which hyperedges vertices are these mental concepts having a core and a periphery. Certain hyperedges and, accordingly, the set of concept vertices connected by them in the given system are stable for a certain period. Such hyperedges are individual and sociocultural cognitive attractors (stereotypes, mental archetypes) and reflect the knowledge fractal properties. Presence of such attractors determines the ability of knowledge as a nonlinear dynamic system to self-organize and, in particular, to self-assembly. Processes of the knowledge self-assembly are divided into two groups of strategies. The first works for the self-construction of individual knowledge in the case of an individual’s learning and assimilation by him of the ready-made knowledge that remains in society, the concept sphere of society. Assembly processes are operating here for the knowledge duplication. The second group of strategies is launched in problem situations, which solution requires reconfiguration of the existing knowledge and production of the fundamentally new knowledge accompanied by construction of new connections between concepts or creation of a new concept. In such situations, a creative process starts that uses the concept quantum properties.

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