
Modern trends and approaches in empirical research on giftedness

Authors: Ivlev V.Yu., Inozemtsev V.A., Ivleva M.L. Published: 03.11.2022
Published in issue: #5(97)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-5-802  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: modern psychology, trends and approaches, empirical research on giftedness, intelligence, creativity, comprehensive diagnosis, giftedness evaluation

The article presents an analysis of trends and leading approaches in empirical research of the phenomenon of giftedness in modern psychology. It is established that the trends in the development of empirical research on giftedness identified in the article can be reduced to two main ones. The first trend implies an abundance of innovation, the desire to use new approaches and research methods, to include new aspects of giftedness. The second trend is aimed at integrating the efforts of proponents of different schools and trends in an attempt to develop a holistic model of giftedness, to explore it at different levels and to identify correlations between the psychological components, on the one hand, and physiological and biochemical, on the other. The most important classes of approaches in empirical research of giftedness have been identified as 1) approaches based on one criterion, a system of a unified assessment obtained by measuring quantitative indicators; 2) approaches based on a comprehensive assessment as a result of a multi-stage selection procedure using a variety of techniques for identifying the gifted. It is concluded that integrative approaches are the most promising, allowing the widest possible coverage of all manifestations of giftedness.

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