
Features of chengyu phraseological units in Chinese as a component of the picture of the world (on the example of the novel “Sanguo”)

Authors: Tyo O.E., Zvyagintseva E.V. Published: 12.02.2021
Published in issue: #1(87)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2021-1-701  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: chengyu, Chinese language, phraseological unit, novel “Sanguo”, the picture of the world

The article presents the analysis of the role of phraseological units in the Chinese language in creating a specific picture of the world. Particular attention is paid to chengyu phraseological units as the most common among the four types of phraseological units (according to the generally accepted classification of Ma Guofan). An attempt is made to investigate the frequently used chengyu phraseological units from the novel “Sanguo”, one of the main sources of all the stable expressions of the Chinese language. The presented analysis of examples of using the designated chengyu in modern Chinese, taken from articles in major socio-political media in China, demonstrates the relevance of the study.

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