
Normalizing violence: a security strategy and a contemporary form of the “political”

Authors: Lomako L.L., Maltsev K.G., Maltseva A.V. Published: 24.12.2020
Published in issue: #6(86)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-6-690  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: security, normalization of violence, zero level of violence, biopolitics, open access state, modernity, technology, subject

The discourse of security as a normalization of violence and the political slogan of digitalization can be presented as the essence of one thing — in perspective of biopolitics, which is a metaphysical concept in the paper, according to C. Schmitt, as a form adopted by the modernity. Zero level of violence, which is the goal of security policy, is interpreted in the liberal version of the political paradigm (G. Agamben) as legitimate systemic violence of the open access state (D. North); forms of subjective violence and revolutionary / absolute violence (W. Benjamin, S. Žižek) are interpreted in the horizon of intersecting consensus (J. Rawls) as delusion, resentment or ill will and must be eliminated through the use of the power of institutions (J. Elster). The socio-philosophical analysis of normalized violence undertaken in this study proves its constituency for the political community and manifests itself in the form of a solution that puts an end to endless discussion, and an instrument for ensuring security, understood through the creation of normal conditions for the reproduction and functioning of human capital as a factor of the liberal economic order; security is self-sufficiency of the subject’s present givenness by power-control. It is concluded that the dehumanization of a person into "human capital" is a necessary consequence of the establishment of the new European subject as a historiographic animal built into a machine, in modern times, which is defined by the idea of technology and become biopolitics.

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