
Confucians and Legists public administration doctrines: similarities, differences, lessons for modernity

Authors: Nekhamkin V.A., Chzhen A.O. Published: 28.11.2020
Published in issue: #5(85)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-5-688  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: Ancient China, Europe, government, Confucians, Legists

The paper focuses on the approaches to public administration and the means of its implementation in Ancient China. By a comparative analysis of the schools of Legists and Confucians, we traced the positive and negative aspects of the implementation of these doctrines in practice — in the Qin Kingdom in the 4th century and China as a whole in the 3rd century BC. Findings of research show the continuity of a number of ideas of Chinese and European thinkers regarding the system of public administration, and reveal the reasons for the synthesis of the ideas of Confucians and Legists in the Han Empire. The paper indicates the importance, relevance of the search for solutions to the problems of public administration by ancient Chinese philosophers for the modern world and Russia.

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