
Analysis of theorization about the “modern state” and its historical forms

Authors: Granin Yu.D. Published: 28.06.2020
Published in issue: #3(83)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-3-661  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: state, modern state, modern, nationalization, socialization

The purpose of the study was to analyze the features of interpreting the content of the concept and the phenomenon of “state”, its historical forms in various types of scientific discourse. The study shows that most of these interpretations do not pay enough attention to the specific characteristics of the formation and development of the “modern state” — the processes of its nationalization and socialization, which in the social sciences are interpreted in an essentialist way, i.e. not as those which are becoming “social” and "national" states but as those which have become such states. It is efficient to use these concepts and the corresponding historical phenomena taking into account the general historical and civilizational contexts of their formation and as historical forms of the “modern state” that condition each other.

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