
Key problematizations in the history of sex, love and sexuality.

Authors: Tagirov F.V. Published: 30.10.2019
Published in issue: #5(79)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-5-628  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: Antiquity, aphrodisia, history, carnival, flesh, sex, fast, Middle Ages, sexuality, hyubris, encratia, eros

Considering the current situation in the field of gender, love and sexuality, we must admit that there is a clash of two opposing trends, one of which turns to greater liberation and emancipation of the erotic, while the other represents its conservative antithesis and assumes the priority of sustainable models of eros organization both at the level of institutional organization and in the field deeply personal, intimate. The most significant points of problematization prevailing in discourses about eros in Antiquity and the Middle Ages are discussed. The analysis of the ancient problematizations of the erotic is built around the categories of hyubris, aphrodisia, encratia and virtus. The present study considers flesh, fasting, and carnival to be the pivot points in the medieval discourse on sex, love, and sexuality. It is shown how ancient man sets the border for hubrisof excessiveness due to the principle of measure assuming both external regulation and requirement of personal restraint, which reflects encratia of the Greeks and virtus of the Romans. In the Middle Ages mayhem of sin, born from the desires of the flesh, opposed to the abstinence of fast, which, in turn, also reaches excessive forms, and carnival hubris is a response to fast hubris. Issues of marriage, status of women, same-sex relations are also touched upon. The theoretical basis of this study are the works of M. Foucault, J. Le Goff and N. Truon, J. Bataille, M. Bakhtin, R. Tannahill, J.-K. Milner, R. Muchemble, E. Vardiman, Yu. b. Rurikov, D. Venner and several other authors. The work is based on the principles of comparative, socio-philosophical, philosophical-historical and historical-philosophical methodology.

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