
Cybersocialization as a subject of socio-philosophical understanding

Authors: Scheglov I.A. Published: 14.10.2019
Published in issue: #5(79)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-5-625  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: socialization, cybersocialization, cyberspace, virtual reality, virtual socialization, Homo Cyberus

The paper focuses on cybersocialization — a concept relatively recently introduced into the scientific usage. We refer cybersocialization to the philosophy of socialization, and pose the tasks that require scientific understanding: to determine the role and place of cybersocialization in the socialization classification system, to analyze the understanding of the categories of cybersocialization and Homo Cyberus. Due to the absence of a generally accepted classification of types of socialization in modern science, we propose our own classification. The basis for critical reflection is the understanding of cybersocialization that has been established in scientific knowledge as a virtual computer socialization. Understanding of virtual reality only as a computer and virtual socialization from similar positions is questioned. We introduce our own understanding of the socialization process in terms of content and form, as well as the process of virtual socialization, and raise the issues concerning the place and status of the concept of Homo Cyberus in the Homo classification system.

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