
NBIC-technologies as a challenge to education

Authors: Bagdasaryan N.G., Koshik V.S. Published: 27.12.2017
Published in issue: #1(63)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-1-500  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: NBIC technologies, convergent technologies, combining technologies, breakthrough technologies, engineer of the future, engineering education

The article considers the potential of NBIC technologies and the prospects for the revolutionary transformation of mankind via convergent technologies. The importance of the idea of combining already known technologies to create a breakthrough effect in new fields of knowledge is emphasized. It is conformed that engineering education as a central link in the training of the future staff is of great importance. The significance of convergent technologies in the training of a modern engineer is discussed. The necessity of reformation of traditional engineering way of thinking to the innovative one is determined. Reasons are given for the problems in the formation of modern engineering education in the realities of the social and economic infrastructure of Russia. The direct dependence of the state competitiveness on its ability to create breakthrough technologies and on the quality of training of the engineering personnel is indicated.

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