
The category of social responsibility within the context of development of philosophical reflection

Authors: Popova A.A. Published: 27.06.2017
Published in issue: #8(58)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-8-457  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: social responsibility, collective responsibility, development of philosophical thought, existentialism, pragmatism, philosophy of technology, responsibility ethics

The article deals with the problem of how the category of social responsibility has formed since antiquity to the philosophical concepts of today. We analyse the social nature of responsibility and its connection with human activity. We expand on the meaning of social responsibility as a concept found in modern philosophical thought. We summarise the Eastern and Western experiences in forming this category. We attempt to compare the results achieved in both traditions. We emphasise the fact that the antique tradition (as embodied by Aristotle) did not yet introduce the concept of responsibility. We attempt to retrace the formation of the concept we study, filling it with specific meaning at later stages of the philosophical history: the Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment, and the modern period. We hypothesise that not only has the measure of human responsibility increased in the risk society of today, but also that globalisation has intensified this process.

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