
On the loss of ideological benchmarks in modern scientific and technological activities on the battlefield of the two ethical systems (based on V.A. Lefebvre’s concept)

Authors: Egorova M.Yu. Published: 23.05.2016
Published in issue: #3(41)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2016-3-349  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: scientific and technical activity, ethics, ethical systems, post-non-classical science, sustainable development

The article considers such ideological control of scientific and technical activities, as ethics. We analyzed some of the values and ethical principles of activity of modern science and technology community, including the standpoint of two ethical systems according to the concept of V.A. Lefebvre. In our research we mark a positive tendency towards culture revival of present-day Russia. The article proposes measures to develop the scientific and technical potential of our country for its sustainable development.

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