
Russian national idea in the globalizing World: Prospects for the development

Authors: Lebedev K.S., Nekhamkin V.A. Published: 04.12.2015
Published in issue: #12(38)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-12-326  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: globalization, global world, special way, dichotomy, freedom, Russian civilization, Russian national idea, philosophy

The article analyses the evolution of the Russian national idea. It is acknowledged that having built a great state and culture, Russian people could not give an answer to the question about unambiguous country's affiliation to Western or Eastern civilizations. Hence, two specific characteristics of the national mentality, expressed in antipodal features are identified: the "path of genius" and "the path of insanity". Globalist mentality characteristics are matched with the peculiarities of the Russian national idea in its two guises. The conclusion is that Russia will have to express the national identity under conditions of interaction with Western project of globalization: either becoming an integral part thereof, or forming its own ideology alternative to the dominant worldview.

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