
The Jewish party press in the Russian Empire: The Jewish identity conception

Authors: Pechenin I.V. Published: 04.12.2015
Published in issue: #11(37)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-11-323  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Historical Sciences and Archaeology  
Keywords: system of press, Jewish periodicals, party press, Yiddish, national identity, ideology, Bund, Zionism, Poalei Zion, the social and political doctrine

The article considers the position of the Jewish political parties on the key ideological issue: national and social identity. The Bund and the Zionist parties differently looked at the social group, which was not quite correctly called the "proletariat". It should either be assimilated with the Russian workers under the Bund banner, or together with Jewish bourgeoisie fight under the Zionist leadership for the resurrection of the Jewish nation.

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