
Specifics in educational integration of the hard-hearing students at the universities

Authors: Pogrebnyak Yu.N. Published: 07.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(106)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-2-904  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: social integration, inclusion, university adaptation, limited health opportunities, accessible environment, university communication, university sociocultural environment

Higher inclusive education is in its formation. In the context of shortage in methods and technologies in this area, special attention is paid to successful practices that ensure educational and social integration of the students with disabilities. The paper considers specifics in educational integration of the hard-hearing students at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. It presents a qualitative thematic analysis based on the interviews with experts. Factors of educational integration of the deaf and hard-hearing students are identified. Specifics in their construction of the interpersonal communications at the University are shown. Recommendations are provided to improve the support system for the hard-hearing system.


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