
Features of functioning of Anglicism in Cantonese dialect of Hong Kong

Authors: Tyo O.E., Ryabukhin D.V. Published: 09.01.2023
Published in issue: #6(98)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-6-818  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Philology. Linguistics  
Keywords: Chinese language, Cantonese dialect of Hong Kong, Anglicism, borrowed words

The article considers the specific features of the English words functioning in Hong Kong’s Cantonese. The research studies the degree of the English language influence on the formation of modern composition in Hong Kong Cantonese vocabulary. Dictionary of Hong Kong Cantonese (香港粤语大词典) (2018), which stores more than 12,000 words, articles from the leading Hong Kong newspaper “Mingbao” (明報) published between 2021 and 2022 and popular Online resources of Hong Kong served as the research ground for this study. Typological and word-formation features of Anglicism in Cantonese of Hong Kong have been analyzed and classified.

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