
Lexico-syntactical coordination as a language mechanism to express reflexion processes

Authors: Beloshitskaya N.N. Published: 16.10.2015
Published in issue: #10(36)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-10-307  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Philology. Linguistics  
Keywords: lexico-syntactical coordination, metarepresentation, confirming-interrogative construction, mental predicates

The article examines the phenomenon of lexico-syntactical coordination (LSC) as a mechanism of developing language models for fixing reflexion processes. We analyze confirming-interrogative question model as a particular example of suchlike models. It is a type of mental pattern. The process of LSC analysis is determined by the integral approach to knowledge usage which implies the impossibility of considering semantics and pragmatics separately. The meaning of the construction developed by the LSC mechanism is a conceptual design governing correlation of the language unit with the reality.

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