Optimizing pedagogical communication in teaching English at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Authors: Zakharova S.S. | Published: 23.08.2023 |
Published in issue: #4(102)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-4-863 | |
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics | |
Keywords: pedagogical communication problems, empathy, motivation, pedagogical competencies, teacher’s excessive monologue, educational dialogue |
The paper presents a strategy in creating the effective psychological atmosphere in teaching English to students of engineering specialties at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Advanced methods and achievements in linguistics and psychology were analyzed. Problems of pedagogical communication were considered. The educational dialogue was described as an important teaching skill. Overview of the main pedagogical competencies was provided. Importance of psychological ability to conduct a dialogue with students was emphasized. Value of the individual approach method was substantiated. Empathy was explored as a key concept in understanding the students’ feelings and emotions associated with communication challenges and tasks. Actual alteration in goal-setting in the academic dialogue was analyzed in connection with the changing motivation in psychology with the first-year students, sophomores, senior students and undergraduates.
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