
Teaching verbal aspect of the Russian language using interactive tasks with game elements

Authors: Asonova G.A. Published: 30.08.2022
Published in issue: #4(96)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-4-796  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics  
Keywords: types of verbs, interactive tasks, distance learning, motivation, interactive methods, lexical and grammatical competence, Wordwall

The necessity of studying the grammatical category of the aspect of the verb by students of the engineering and technical profile of the distance learning format at Moscow universities is substantiated. The importance of systematization of ideas about interactive ways of teaching verbal aspects in a playful way, which contribute to improving the quality of education and upbringing of students, is determined. The pedagogical and methodological potential of the process of learning the verbal aspects is investigated. Effective tasks of varying degrees of complexity with the use of some interactive components are described. Through these tasks students of Russian as a foreign language increase motivation to study the difficult topic of the verb aspect and form the lexical and grammatical skills for the correct use of verb aspect forms.

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