
Communicative competence of technical university students as a part of a system of exercises for the methodological base of developing knowledge and skills in learning a foreign language

Authors: Verbitskaya V.D., Wooller A.A. Published: 05.11.2021
Published in issue: #5(91)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2021-5-744  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics  
Keywords: foreign language, system-based learning, competence, learning activity, knowledge, abilities, skills, learning goals

The paper introduces general aspects of a system of exercises for learning a foreign language. The formation of a students’ language competence plays a leading role in developing a system of classes. The teacher is responsible for a system of exercises forming foreign speech based on knowledge, writing and speaking skills training.

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