
Engineering students’ independent work management in the process of studying foreign languages

Authors: Igolkina M.I., Yazynina V.S. Published: 28.06.2020
Published in issue: #3(83)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-3-660  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics  
Keywords: independent work, teaching a foreign language, intercultural communication, learning efficiency, quality of training, independence, critical thinking, cognitive activity, communication skills, individual work, group work

The purpose of teaching a foreign language in a technical University is to train future specialists for professional communication between people of different nations. Students’ independent work management is crucial for achieving efficiency and quality of learning a foreign language. The paper describes the need of students’ independent work management during foreign language classes, and considers types and principles of students’ independent work management. Students’ independent work is becoming one of the key aspects of process of education. It develops professional independence, open-mindedness, intention and readiness for life-long learning especially nowadays in the context of stimulated transition to distance education due to coronaviral infection spread in the world.

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