
Improvement of educational process within carrying out the Olympiad in descriptive geometry

Authors: Sulina O.V., Zhukova E.A. Published: 16.10.2015
Published in issue: #10(36)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-10-311  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics  
Keywords: descriptive geometry, Olympiad, practice-focused task, complex task, competence

The trend toward tier system of education and reducing academic hours for descriptive geometry learning has escalated quickly during the past years. Consequently, there appears a necessity of implementing new forms of improving students' knowledge and skills and helping students discover and develop their creative abilities within solving practical tasks. We assume that one of these preferred forms is the Olympiad in the subject. The objective of this research is to examine the ways of improving the educational process in the course "Descriptive geometry" within preparing the Olympiad and carrying it out. The study presents the statistical analysis of contest works and methods students used for participation in the Olympiads. The findings of the research illustrate a growing trend of total decreasing the tasks solvability, as well as deteriorating the total intellectual level and students' preparation level. We offer a new form of preparation for the Olympiad. It consists of innovation methods for classroom preparation and organization of students' independent work. Moreover, within implementing this competence approach we developed criteria for creating Olympiad tasks and their structure. It includes 4 tasks: a standard position task with elements of metrics, two complex tasks and a task focused on practice. We suggest using the 100-grade system of assessing competitive works.

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