
On the formation of residual knowledge and pedagogical assessment tools for its control in a technical university

Authors: Kritskaya A.R., Belov Yu.S. Published: 16.10.2015
Published in issue: #10(36)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-10-303  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics  
Keywords: residual knowledge, interdisciplinary communication, binary residual knowledge, test materials, the stability of residual knowledge

The paper considers some of the problems that accompany the process of residual knowledge formation and their control in a technical university. These are the problems of residual knowledge content selection, methodological support of its formation process, as well as differentiation and reliability of test materials. The solution of the stated problems is possible if the residual knowledge of the content of the interdisciplinary connections between disciplines (professional modules) of the same or different cycles is considered. This, in turn, will highlight the two components in the structure of residual knowledge - the basic component and professionally oriented one. The latter regards any specific curriculum of the particular specialty (field of study). Organizational and methodological support of the process of formation and control of residual knowledge on the part of the university is important: well-grounded choice of teaching technologies and methods, frequency and format of the control procedures, specific pedagogical techniques aimed at maintaining the stability of the formed residual knowledge

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