
Analysis of Roscosmos State Corporation media activity

Authors: Lastochkin R.K., Sokeran A.A. Published: 10.06.2020
Published in issue: #3(83)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-3-659  
Category: Economic Sciences  
Keywords: space industry, space agencies, Roscosmos, NASA, private sector of space industry, media activity analysis

The article analyzes the activity of the state corporation Roscosmos and makes a conclusion about its current state. Based on the negative media coverage of the space corporation activity the assumption was made that the industry was becoming less attractive to entrepreneurs and professionals. A comparative analysis of the Russian and American space industries is performed. The positive features of the US space program and its positioning in the world are revealed. Positive trends in the development of private Russian space companies and in the support of innovative projects are specified, and their review was conducted in order to identify competitive advantages compared to peers in the world. Solutions are proposed to correct a number of negative factors adversely affecting the state corporation and the country’s space industry.

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