
Vectors of the value orientation dynamics in students of the Russian Federation

Authors: Tazov P.Yu. Published: 26.06.2024
Published in issue: #3(107)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-3-913  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: value orientation, values, life strategies, value dynamics, value vectors, value trends, student youth

The paper identifies the features and characteristics of vectors characterizing dynamics in value orientation of the student youth, they are considered in the context of their life strategy transformation. It is proven that self-realization values are becoming popular among the young people under conditions of social transformations, dysfunctional processes in education, market development and, as a consequence, individualization of the student youth value consciousness. The paper concludes that implementation of these values is partly associated with the risk of forming the social surfing strategy. This strategy became possible due to high dynamics in the social change and flexible identity of the young people. However, it could lead to erosion of the student youth civic identity.


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