
Liberation politics and subjectivity transformation in the works by Michel Foucault

Authors: Drozdenko A.V. Published: 07.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(106)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-2-902  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: power, knowledge, Iranian revolution, resistance, behavior, genealogy, self-practice

The paper considers a possibility of the libertarian politics project based on the works by Michel Foucault. Analysis of power is the theme of the second period in Foucault’s work; it allows drawing a critical portrait of power as dispersed, hidden and all-pervasive. However, no practical resistance is proposed at the same time. The behavior and counter-behavior concepts in the late period of Foucault’s work are considered as finding the concrete practice of freedom. At the same time, the research literature notes that the late period in Foucault’s work is associated with rejection of politics, at least of the radical politics. Using the example of revolution in Iran and discussions around it, the paper shows possible implementation of the liberation politics. Genealogical history as finding the historical construction to the power relations subjectivity is intertwined with practice of the Self as a creative subjectivity reinvention.


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