
Fundamentals of the socio-philosophical theory of modernity

Authors: Przhilenskiy V.I., Przhilenskiy I.V. Published: 07.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(106)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-2-899  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: modernity, historical time, society, modernity theory, values, modernization, individualization

The paper considers socio-philosophical theory of modernity, which significantly influences development of the modern society. The system of individual and collective goal setting is created on its basis and formats all the principle spheres of social life, while the complex of ideas is not subjected to any consistent critical reflection. These ideas are formulated by referring to the methodological arsenal of philosophy and use for their substantiation the data obtained in the process of the social and human sciences development. The first idea radically distinguishes modern society from the traditional society. It is the idea of historical time, within which framework a completely special attitude towards the future is formed. Future in modern understanding of the historical time is not a repetition of the past, but rather acts as a negation of the past or as the maximum distance from the original state of society. The second idea assumes that the new is recognized as an absolute value, while the old is devalued and ultimately subjected to disposal. The social and cultural world variability in modernity also acquires the status of value, which opens up a series of beneficial alterations affecting institutions, values, knowledge, and technologies. The third idea of modernity is the idea of social individualization forming the basis even in the individualized society concept. In such a society, the desire to see prospects and determine strategic objectives loses its meaning, which conflicts with the first and second ideas of the modernity. Tactical types of the individual and collective activity replace the emerging project-based attitude towards the future at the early modernity stage. Negative side of this idea is the increasingly clear tendency towards fragmentation and disintegration of the traditional forms of sociality. The fourth idea of modernity “adjoins” the third, it also uses the term individualization; however, individualization of consciousness, thinking, and reference to value are meant here.


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