
Transhumanism as the social movement

Authors: Cheremnykh L.G., Gubanov N.N. Published: 07.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(106)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-2-898  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: transhumanism movement, crisis of civilization, bioconservatism, moderate transhumanism, radical transhumanism, neohuman

The paper analyzes program objectives of the World Transhumanist Association (Humanity+), Methuselah Foundation, Center for Responsible Nanotechnologies, Alcor Life Extension Foundation, Russian Transhumanist Movement, Strategic Social Initiative “Russia 2945” and others. It substantiates the concept of transforming the human nature required to overcome the global crisis of the Earth civilization associated with certain qualities of the human consciousness. It is shown that this need leads to emergence of the mass transhumanist movement. Criticism of transhumanist projects by the bioconservatives, who deny the need to transform the human nature, is not taking into account the fact that transhumanism includes two movements, i.e. the moderate and radical transhumanism. Therefore, this criticism is not entirely objective. Bioconservatives believe that all transhumanist programs are contrary to the principles of humanism, but only the radical transhumanism is really incompatible with humanism. The moderate transhumanism program presupposes emergence of a neohuman preserving human essence despite alteration in material carrier of this essence. The radical transhumanism program assumes emergence of a hypothetical being, i.e. a post-human possessing a different essence compared to a modern man. It is concluded that nowadays, in order to develop an optimal strategy in transforming the human nature, productive discussions are required with participation of bioconservatives, moderate transhumanists and radical transhumanists. Such discussions would make it possible to establish safety and acceptability of certain methods in improving a human. The paper indicates that humanity would select the path of moderate transhumanism and would not allow its own extinction.


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