
The role of education in reproducing the intellectual elite as the main subject of rational knowledge

Authors: Gubanov N.N. Published: 05.04.2024
Published in issue: #1(105)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-1-889  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: knowledge society, rational knowledge, rationality procedural concept, intellectual elite, education, R. Collins, interactive rituals, intellectual networks

The paper presents a five-component procedure to form rational knowledge and reproduce the intellectual elite in education system of the modern society, which is often called the knowledge society. It argues that fundamental role in the society development is played by the growth of not just any knowledge, but by such its variety as the rational knowledge, which is explicated on the basis of the broadly understood principle of sufficient reason introduced in the paper. It is shown that this principle is not any law of formal logic, but receives its justification in the transcendental-pragmatic way borrowed from K.-O. Apel and J. Habermas. The proposed five-component procedural concept of rationality unfolds in the form of a theory of argumentation. Position is defended, according to which intellectuals are the main carriers of rational knowledge. The question of who should be called intellectuals, what they are doing, how they communicate with each other, in what groups and why they unite, is considered based on the intellectual networks sociology developed by R. Collins. Within this paradigm, education functions in the process of reproducing the intellectual elite are identified on the basis of the theory of interactive rituals, social concept of creativity and formation of the long-lasting reputation, as well as of the dynamics model of the intellectual attention space. Conclusions are drawn that education system is the most important sphere of the society intellectual life, where the key interactive rituals are held, i.e. lectures, conferences, reports, discussions, those specific activities, which form Truth, the sacred object for intellectuals.


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