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The USSR and the “policy of guarantees" of the Western powers in the spring of 1939

Journal "Humanities Bulletin" of BMSTU"

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The USSR and the “policy of guarantees” of the Western

powers in the spring of 1939

© K.V. Fedorov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

Having analysed various diplomatic documents, the author comes to the conclusion that

the “policy of guarantees" practiced by the Western governments in the spring of 1939

represented a departure from the Munich policy of appeasement, but did not mean a

complete break from it. While the USSR did not trust either Britain or France, it did not

refuse collaboration. Nevertheless, the breakdown in the Triple Alliance Negotiations

resulted in losing the opportunity to prevent the World War II.


World War II, aggressive policy of Nazi Germany, policy of guarantees, Sovi-

et diplomatic corps, Triple Alliance Negotiations



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