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И.В. Долгова, Е.В. Шкарпетина, Ф.М. Урумова, Е.Н. Лобачёва


Гуманитарный вестник

# 10·2017

Import substitution strategy in Russia:

Business and innovation as the basis

for the national economy competitiveness

© I.V. Dolgova


, E.V. Shkarpetina


, F.M. Urumova


, E.N. Lobacheva



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, 660064, Russia


Public Administration Academy, Moscow, 129344, Russia

The article continues the series of works devoted to the national economy and the growth

of its competitive power. We put forward a thesis that protectionism policies need to be

conducted in Russia, and this is exemplified by the history of tsarist Russia. The positive

and negative sides of such policies are shown. The article highlights the main trends of

the import substitution policy making, which were outlined in the “Russian Government

Program on Import Substitution until 2020”, based on the decrees and regulations de-

veloped by the government. We emphasize that business and innovation must become the

basis of the national output development. The lines of developing the innovative climate

in Russia are introduced. The authors put forward the statement that entrepreneurs play

a major role in this process. The first fruits of carrying out the import substitution policy

are shown. It is concluded that the import substitution policy should contribute to in-

creasing the competitiveness of Russian goods and by no means lead to the companies’

total dependence on the state support.


protectionism, globalization, competition, national economy, quality competi-

tion, innovation, competitive advantages, import substitution, entrepreneurial ability



Dve politiki gosudarstva: protektsionizm i fritrederstvo

[Two state policies:

protectionism and free trade]. Available at:


(accessed June 18, 2017).


Schetnaya palata RF: vozmozhnosti importozameshcheniya ogranicheny

obemami proizvodstva [The Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation: the

possibilities of import substitution are limited by the volumes of production].


. Available at:

(accessed July 25, 2015).


Peregorodieva L.N.

Perspektivy realizatsii strategii importozameshcheniya v


[Prospects for implementing the strategy of import substitution in Russia]


Available at:

(accessed June 18, 2017).


Dolgova I.V., Shkartpetina E.V., Lobacheva E.N.

Gumanitarnyy vestnik —

Humanities Bulletin

, 2017, iss. 5.

Available at:

(accessed June

18, 2017).


Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF ot 4 avgusta 2015 g. No. 785 ”O Pravitelstvennoy

komissii po importozameshcheniyu” [The Russian Government Decree No. 785

dated August 4, 2015 “On the establishment of a government commission on

import substitution”].


. Available at:

(accessed June 18, 2017).